My first post, not The Last Post, thats an upcoming Companion Chronicles release with Caroline John, the last one unfortunately :(
Here I will be looking at all sorts of Doctor Who merchandise, from TV episodes to books to audios. I should warn you, in some cases I may jump many releases, based on what is in my collection. I may even foray into Torchwood and Sarah Jane Adventures (must not blub).
I will be writing about the TV episodes (can't wait for Asylum Of The Daleks), the books in all their different ranges (NA, MA, EDA, PDA, NSA and the Target books) and the audios (AudioGo and BigFinish). These will not be comprehensive reveiws, just my thoughts on each title.
Let me say which Doctor I like the best. Peter Davision's Fifth Doctor was far superior in my book than the rest, but that's not to say that the rest came pretty darn close.
So keep coming and reading what I have to say, and enjoy. Come back to now from then to reread and so on.... After all the Five Hundred Year Old Diary gets completed by filling out the first page.
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